Property Sourcing in Leeds

Property Sourcing in Leeds

Leeds is recognised as a hub for buy-to-let investors. This city presents ample opportunities for real estate investment given its standing as the fastest growing city in the United Kingdom with a thriving business environment and sizable population of young professionals. Due to high rental demand, the city offers a variety of investment prospects ranging from apartments in the city centre to student housing to larger homes in the outskirts.

Our real estate sourcing professionals can assist you in locating investment opportunities priced below comparable market value yet delivering the highest attainable rental returns. We guarantee a minimum 15% net yield on investments sourced through our services.

By partnering with Valor Property Investments in Leeds, you gain access to our expertise and market insights. We identify well-positioned properties appealing to quality tenants that also offer potential for increased yearly rental income and capital appreciation over time.

Our customised process at Valor ensures only opportunities directly aligned with your investment objectives are presented. You can have confidence that every prospect brought to you merits consideration. Backed by our comprehensive due diligence and selection standards, you invest with assurance each property fulfills your requirements for a sound holding.

Why Choose Valor Investments?

Valor Investments offers full-service portfolio management solutions to help busy investors expand and optimise their real estate holdings with minimal time commitment. Our turnkey services assist both first-time and experienced buyers.

Clients benefit from:

  • A guaranteed minimum 15% annual net return on investments
  • A single point of contact to handle all aspects of ownership, including accounting, maintenance, and brokerage services
  • Expert market knowledge and research on the Leeds area, including emerging neighborhoods, areas to avoid, and transportation infrastructure
  • A dedicated team committed to serving clients’ best interests throughout the investment life cycle
  • Ongoing advisory support and guidance as needs arise




During your initial consultation, an experienced consultant will discuss your investment objectives, goals, parameters, and criteria. This includes desired investment size, location, property types, projected cash flow, estimated returns, and any unique requirements. The consultant will also outline our selection process, designed to identify assets that suit your defined objectives and risk tolerance.


Our team will handle the initial research and legwork to help identify suitable investment properties that align with your objectives. We will arrange property tours and participate in discussions with sellers on your behalf. You will receive regular updates on our progress at each phase of the process.


Our knowledge across the entire purchasing process ensures that prospective buyers are able to acquire the very best properties for their budget and they can utilise our network of specialists to ensure each area of the purchase process is performed correctly and efficiently.


We leverage the resources of our affiliated company, which maintains accreditation as Property Redress Scheme. This accreditation assists us in efficiently and professionally serving our clients’ real estate needs.




Investment Properties Tailored to Your Needs

At Valor Properties, we recognise the importance of aligning opportunities with your business model. That’s why we provide a range of investment properties suited to varying budgets and time commitments. With our background in real estate, we are often the first informed about upcoming opportunities before they become publicly available.

Buy-To-Let Investment Properties

Rental properties requiring minimal ongoing involvement are well-suited for investors seeking low-risk diversification with reduced upfront costs and hands-off maintenance.

Average Annualised Returns: Typically 3-5%, however Valor guarantees a net 15% yield.


Student Buy-To-Let Properties

While HMO properties carry higher risk than traditional rentals, they provide an opportunity to maximise returns. HMOs typically yield a higher percentage than standard buy-to-let properties and assured rental income streams tend to span longer durations as well. For more insights into successful HMO management, refer to our recent publication. Find out more about HMOs in our recent blog.

When partnering with our organisation, you can depend on industry-leading yields. Through our full-service approach and expertise in this sector, we guarantee a minimum 15% net annual return – significantly higher than the typical 8-10% often achieved without our specialised support and resources.

Property Renovations

A property in need of renovation is often a more affordable investment option that allows hands-on participation. Once updated, the resell or rental value of the property can be increased within a short time period.

Expected Annual Return: Between 6-9% typically. However, working with Valor guarantees a 15% net yield.

Contact Our Property Sourcing Agents

If you’re keen to start investing in property, why not arrange a free consultation with our property experts? In the initial meeting, we’ll discuss your requirements and investment goals in detail, outlining a roadmap to success. Start your journey with Valor Investments by giving us a call or email, or by completing the contact form. 

Property Sourcing FAQs

What is a Property Sourcing Agent?

A property sourcing agency is essentially the middleman between you (the investor) and the property seller. They ensure that the deal runs smoothly from start to finish. The agent spends their time sourcing investment deals for a range of investors, helping them to invest wisely and saving them time looking for properties. 

How Much is a Property Sourcing Fee?

On average, a property sourcing fee in the UK, sits between 1-3% of the final sale price, which equates to anywhere between £2,000 and £5,000. Of course, this may change depending on the size of the property, and the property sourcing agency themselves.

How Do Property Sourcers Find Properties?

Property sources utilise several channels to find property investment opportunities. At Valor, we are well networked with local property developers who keep us up to date about the latest building works and construction projects. The other side of our business is an Estate Agents, which means we’re the first to know about properties and potential investment opportunities before they hit the market. 

What is the Difference Between an Estate Agent and Property Sourcer?

Although both property sourcers and estate agents deal with sales, they are widely different in their approach and day-to-day tasks. The property sourcer will spend their time working for private clients, who are looking for investment opportunities. They will typically receive a fee from the investor for finding properties.

Unlike with a property deal sourcer, an estate agent works with the property seller, helping with the marketing and managing offers for the property. The estate agent receives a percentage of the sale once the home is sold. Estate agents and property sourcers regularly work together to ensure the property deal benefits both parties.