Emily Allott

Block Manager

Emily is the Block Manager at Valor Property group.

Emily has joined as a senior property manager and will be responsible for managing larger residential block developments in our expanding portfolio across Yorkshire and beyond. Emily has a wealth of experience and is a great addition to our team. We feel sure she will be a great asset to the practice, and we are very excited to have her on board.

  • English A*
  • Maths C
  • German A
  • Science B

Emily stated: “I am pleased to have been promoted to Associate, in acknowledgement of the consistent progress we have made through our Yorkshire location. We are optimistic about the new prospects arising and believe 2024 has strong potential to be a great year.”

“A typical day in the office involves providing colleagues with updates from my monthly fitness routine, preparing coffee to the team’s high standards, and maintaining work focus while various songs play on the radio.”