Contractor Management
- Posted: 11 months ago
- Categories: Block Management, Bradford, Landlords, Latest Property News, Leeds, Maintenance, Valor Properties

We have a list of trusted and reliable contractors with whom we have established long-standing relationships, built over many years of successful collaboration. However, we also welcome contractors recommended by clients, provided they can demonstrate appropriate liability insurance coverage and adherence to applicable health and safety standards. All new contractors are required to complete our onboarding paperwork to be added to our system.
For all projects, we maintain regular communication with contractors to ensure work is completed on schedule, to a high quality, and represents good value. Inspections are conducted for certain jobs to verify satisfactory completion. Access is arranged via keys or residents as dictated by the nature of the work. Invoices are then reviewed and paid promptly upon a contractor’s fulfillment of their contractual obligations, avoiding any penalties from late payment.
No work is initiated unless funds have been set aside to guarantee contractors receive compensation on time at the conclusion of a project. This payment discipline conforms to the RICS Service Charge Code of Practice, which prohibits starting jobs without available financing.
For additional information on Valor Property’s block management services available in West Yorkshire at no upfront cost, please contact our Leeds office at 32 Park Cross Street, call 0113 222 4537, or email