Dual Agents? No problem for us!
- Posted: 5 years ago
- Categories: Moving Home

If you’re looking for a property to rent or sell in the Bradford, Shipley, or Leeds area, then you have a lot of choices. There are dozens of estate agents in the area, all vying for your business.
What’s interesting, though, is that many of these estates agents don’t like a dual agents setup. They don’t want their clients going to multiple estate agents in Leeds and pitting them against each other to see who will sell their property first.
At Valor Properties, we don’t think that this is a problem. In fact, we actively encourage it. We’re different from most estate agents in Bradford and the surrounding area. What we care about above all else is the customer experience. We want to sell properties and provide a fantastic service. What we don’t want is people missing out because they didn’t take all the opportunities available to them to sell their properties.
We’re Confident Estate Agents
Dual agents, in our opinion, are a great idea, and beneficial for customers. When you choose to go down the double agent route, you have the benefit of two estate agencies working in your interest. They compete against each other to sell or rent your property first. It’s a customer-friendly setup where you stand a better chance of getting the outcome that you want.
Dual agent setups also provide a massive incentive for each estate agent to be the one to sell your property first. The estate agent who sells is the one who gets the commission for listing the property. Again, customers benefit. Each agency does everything it can to get the outcome that the customer wants.
Many estate agents don’t like this. They would prefer to take the easier route and be the sole representative of the seller in the market place. But at Valor Properties, we’re different. We have the confidence to go up against any other estate agent in Shipley, Leeds or Bradford. We believe in the quality of our advertising and customer relationships and want the best possible outcomes for our customers.
We Put Your Needs First
When you think about it, it doesn’t make sense to opt for an estate agent that doesn’t allow you to use dual agents. That estate agent is trying to prevent you from getting the best service possible for their own gain. They don’t want to go up against the competition or to be outsmarted by another agency. It’s all about taking the easy route and making the most money possible. An agency that doesn’t allow you to choose the dual agent route is trying to minimise their risk, probably because they’re not confident in the services that they offer.
Even if you decide not to go down the dual agent route, picking an estate agency like Valor Properties that allows it is beneficial. It’s an indication that you’ve found an estate agent that puts the needs of the customer above all else and is prepared to take a risk to represent you. A culture like that is precisely what you’re looking for.