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Tips to Finding the Right Student Home

  • Posted:  6 years ago
  • Categories:  Students
Tips to finding the right student accommodation - Valor Properties Letting Agents

Attending university is a very exciting prospect for many students. This is the time in life to devote to learning and finding your own personal life path. Students everywhere need housing with certain qualities. They want housing that offers them all they need to get started on the right foot when attending classes. Some people choose to stay in halls. This has the advantage of ease of access to campus life and lowered costs. However, some people want to get a running start on adult life. They want to find off campus housing. If you are looking for the private right student home, it’s best to do so right now.

What to Look For

It’s a good idea to spend time looking for the right student digs as soon as you can. You’ll want a flat that lets you take into account many factors. These include the number of people you plan to live with as well as your personal budget and the area you like best. If you aren’t familiar with the location of the university, now is the time to get familiar with the area’s housing markets. It’s also the time to see how to get to class. If you’re further away, you’ll want to examine all possible transport modes including the underground and walking options. Close examination of the region can take some time. However, it will pay off with the ideal place to stay and enjoy your social life and your classes.

How Much You Want to Pay

Budget is the first and one of the most important things to keep in mind in the search for university housing. Many university towns offer a wide range of potential student housing options. Students can typically pick from a single flat or a larger space that lets them have roommates to help pay the rent costs. A housing budget typically needs to balance competing concerns.

On one hand, you want to be close to the city and all it offers. A great social life makes life at university even more delightful. At the same time, students want to have privacy so they relax and concentrate on their students. Students should be aware that housing closer to the city centre are often much more costly. At the same time, it’s also more desirable. This can make it easier to find people to share all housing costs including utilities.

You may have many sources of funding. This includes your student finance allowance. It also includes any extra money you’re going to earn from a part-time job. Now is the time to see exactly how much money you have to allot for rental costs. Make sure you have the funds to pay for the housing you want before you begin. You don’t want to be locked into paying for housing that eats up too much of your overall budget.

A less expensive space might look fabulous on paper. But if you’re headed to an early class, it might be a long and frustrating bus ride. Buses may not run as often during certain times of the day. That seemingly cheaper flat might not turn out to be the bargain you initially imagined.

The Number of Housemates

Most students attending university and choosing private housing live with others. On the surface, this sounds like an excellent idea. You’ll not only have the opportunity to reduce your housing costs. You’ll also get to know lots of other student. If this is the route you plan to take, decide how many people you want to live with before you begin.

For example, if you opt for three or four people to rent with you, this may sound like a great idea on paper. At the same time, the more people you live with, the more problems you may encounter. More people means a longer line for the bathroom. It means more people in the kitchen and more people in the halls. It also means that people will bring home others you’ve never seen before right into your very private spaces.

You might think you know someone well. Living with them is a different matter. If you’re a neat person and they are messy, consider closely if this going to work. Be very wary of people you’ve never met before. If you have a large space you want to rent, now is the time to develop a very detailed plan. It should indicate all sorts of basic house rules everyone needs to follow.

Think about how late noise is permitted each night. Consider the kinds of chores necessary to keep the flat in the best shape. Many rentals require a certain level of cleanliness. You want to ask people to adhere to essential standards like putting clothing away and doing the dishes each night. If someone doesn’t, think about asking them to contribute to cleaner to come by and tidy up.

It’s also best to make clear exactly how much people must pay for rent before they move in. Get this in writing and ask everyone involved to sign a contract (letting agencies can manage this). You might want to ask more money for the room with a private bath or the one that has the better view. Let everyone know your plans for each room before they ask. This way, you have the answers right there in front of you.

A smaller flat might be a better deal if you can make screen your tenants carefully and be assured of working closely with people you know well. A larger space, however, gives you far less problems with funding if you have a conflict. Living with someone who is paying a third of the cost means assuming a third of the cost if they move out. If you have a larger space, a minor conflict makes it easier to spread costs and reduce any potential liabilities.

Where to Rent

The typical student has several essentials they want in any student housing. They want a safe area. This is especially important for students who expect to spend a lot of time on campus studying. When they come home at night, they need safe, well lit streets that won’t make the trip home scary. In general, areas that attract students are places with a low crime rate. At the same time, it’s best to double check on your own. Speak with locals and contact the area’s police to find out about actual crime stats.

Visit the area during the day and note traffic patterns. See how many people are present. Many students prefer places that offer some quiet time so they can work on papers and other academic work. Come by the area later on during rush hour and during the evening. An area that comes alive with sound and music may sound nice but in reality it can make it hard to concentrate and focus when you’re trying to meet that last minute deadline.

If you’re living away from uni, you’ll also have to do things for yourself like cook meals. A good location has proper access to supermarkets and other places that sell food. This way, you can have a fast meal on your way to class. You can also make dinner for a dozen people for a Saturday evening party. A large market also makes it easy to accommodate many kinds of potential flat mates. Someone who prefers to keep to a vegetarian diet might find a location with lots of shopping options a good choice and thus choose to become your roommate.

Understanding Contracts

For many students, this is their first time signing a contract. This is a legally binding document. Before doing anything else, have someone else look at like your parents. They can help you decide if the terms make sense or you want to ask for a revision. Backing out of a contract can be hard and costly. You want to get it right the first time. Have a close look at the property with a friend. They can point out any issues you might not have noticed at first such as railings that need to replaced or windows that are older and might drive up your heating bills.

Contact your Student’s Advice Center for added help. They can offer you advice about the fairness of the tenancy agreement. Such contracts are typically high specific. They will specify exactly how much money you’re going to pay in rent each month. You will get a rent payment date for each month. Many contracts leave a grace period for late payment. Others may impose a late payment fee from the very first that you will be liable for under law.

You may also be liable for other kinds of fees. These will be spelled out in the contract. If you roommate loses the keys, the landlord can charge for replacement keys and a new lock. If someone breaks something like an appliance, you may be personally liable for replacing it.

The contact will also spell out how to the rent. Direct Debit is the best way to have a record and manage budgets. You might want to set a deadline for your roommates. This will help them remember to pay their fair share of the rent before it’s due so you don’t get charged late fees. Utilities may be part of the rent or they may be separate. If they are separate, you might be able to assume an existing account at that location and continue paying it. Or you might have to open up an account of your own and contact all local utilities to get it set up.

Landlords typically ask for a deposit before you can move in. The amount of the deposit is usually a month’s rent. A landlord has certain obligations to make sure your deposit is kept free from other funds. The landlord also has the right to spell out under which conditions the deposit will be returned and where the landlord may take funds from it to cover any potential damages. You’ll want to make it clear to your roommates these obligations. Consider asking them for a deposit to cover the costs of any damages they might do to the flat.

The landlord also has obligations. They must fix any major damages such as any damage to the roof. The landlord also needs to make sure the dwelling is safe. If a problem such as a fire happens, the landlord is the person who is responsible for cleaning up the space and making it habitable again. Section Eleven of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 requires all landlord to allow you at twenty-four hours notice if they want access to your space unless you’re facing an emergency.

A Great Place

These few simple tips are easy to follow. Keep in mind the location of the property and investigate it carefully before you do anything else. Walk to your campus and see how fast you can get there. Determine what public transit options exist when you want to get home as fast as possible. Note the area’s amenities such as supermarkets, public parks and museums. Consider how many roommates you might need to pay the rent and what you’ll do if someone is unable to pay it. Think about what others might like to have if they’re going to move with you and live there for months.

Your aim is to find a space that works for all of your needs. You want housing that fits into your planned budget with ease. You also want to make sure that this location lets you study quietly and party the night away if that’s what you like best. Take the time to think about all you want before you begin the term. Careful investigation will ultimately pay off with a space you love that lets you enjoy your time with others and and earn the degree you want at the same time.